
Friday, June 24, 2016



           Over the recent years, there have always been disagreements between these two broad areas. Science in it's attempt to gain and provide knowledge about the things we see in this world has come accross various contradictions with religion. In fact, science and religion might never be in harmony because religion is full of myths, legends, impurities and some inexplainable doctrines.

Religion and it's practitioners even go as far as contradicting themselves. Scientists on the other hand, fail to give a vivid explanation of their theories.
Religion has been in contradiction with science since long time ago. The discovery of Gamaliel Galileo is a clear evidence of this. When Galileo, a scientist, discovered that the earth is spherical, the church authority opposed him because his theory was not in harmony with the belief of the church at that time. The church, at this time believed and taught that the earth is flat. Which would you go for? Religion - the earth is flat or Science - the earth is spherical.
The story of creation is another perspective we can view this. Religions claim that the earth was created. Some scientists explain that life began by chance. The likes of Charles Darwin stated their theories. Charles, the great evolutionist, explained that life probably began spontaneously from the chemical soup that existed as the earth began to calm down a bit following its violent birth. Religion explains that the earth was created by the supreme being, God and that is what 92% religions stick to. Science claims that the earth came by chance while religion in contradiction to this, believe that the earth and everything in it was designed by God. Did your own earth come by chance or it was designed? Science contradicts itself and so does religion. Despite all the efforts of major scientists to explain their theories, we still see scientist who do not believe these things and therefore write against them.
Like i said earlier, religion contradicts itself. The various religions in the world are usually contradicting one another. That is not the end, they also go as far as contradicting themselves. For example, during the reformation stages of Christianity, Martin Luther criticized the catholic church on their trinity doctrine. He even criticized the pope over the sale of indulgences. He claimed that the pope has no authority to forgive sins, only God has. There are much more examples but i will publish them in a later post.
Do you agree with me? Or do you have contrary views on this topic? COMMENT below :
NOTE : Remember that this article was written without prejudice or sentiments. In fact, i am a strict practitioner of both religion and science.

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