
Friday, June 24, 2016



         In Africa, people wonder where toads and frogs come from. This is as a result of the fact that in many African communities, there are various toads and frogs especially during the raining season. These toads and frogs come along with the rain. They get nearby the people in stagnant water and remain there umtil when these waters dry up

This has made the people to think various wise. They ask themselves where these animals come from and try to provide the answer. Do you know what these people believe? They believe when rain is falling, these toads, frogs and some types of fish such as tilapia and catfish fall along with the rain. They say that the animals are carried from heaven and dropped on earth by the rain.
Obviously, this is absolutely incorrect. When we were still very young, i used to go outside with my friends whenever there is rainfall just to check whether we would see some falling fish to pick. Unfortunately, we did not get even one. It means that this conventional belief of the people is a supersition. Fishes and frogs do not fall from heaven. Now, the question is : where do these animals come from when they appear during rainfall?
Today, i discovered something about this topic. As i was pouring water on a particular spot in our garden, suddenly, i just saw something erupt from the ground. What was it? I saw a big toad before me. Then i remembered the teachings of one of my teachers in lesson that animals such as toads and frogs dig the ground and cover themselves with sand. When rain falls, they feel the wetness and muddyness of the sand and rush out to enjoy the water or the cold weather. This is what the people do not understand, therefore they confuse themselves with supersition.

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