
Friday, June 24, 2016


             Are you already into taking hard drugs? Or are you planning to become a drug addict? Do you know the risks involved in taking hard drugs? Is your life valuable to you? Or do you want to die at a tender age? Well, if you are in any of these states, you must be very lucky to come accross this article. As an educative blog, we have made a lot of researches on drugs and have documented many important things that everyone needs to know about drugs. 

Therefore, this article was written in order to educate you on drugs, forms of hard drugs, dangers of hard drugs and why we should avoid them. Without wasting much of our time, let's go straight to the subject matter. It is of great importance that we understand what the term 'drug really means. So let's start by asking : What is Drug? A drug is any substance, solid, liquid or gas which is capable of altering the physical, emotional and psychological aspects of man. In fact, drug, according to Wikipedia the free encyclopedia is a chemical substance that has known biological effects on man or other animals. Having known that, let's quickly look at the forms in which hard drugs exist.

 Hard drugs exist in many forms, below are some of the forms in which they exist with images :

 1. Cannabis

Cannabis shares resemblance with tobacco. It is green or brown in color. It is made up of material made up of the dried flowering tops and leaves of the cannabis (hemp) plant. Cannabis resin or "hash" is the dried black or brown secretion of the flowering tops of the cannabis plant, which is made into a powder or pressed into slabs or cakes. Cannabis oil or "hash oil" is cannabis resin in liquid form. It it the most cultivated, trafficked and abused illicit drug.

 2. Cocaine

Cocaine is a simple white or off-white powder. It is extracted from the leaves of the coca plant. It acts as a stimulant.

 3. Ecstacy

 Ecstasy is a psychoactive stimulant. In fact, the term "ecstasy" does not refer to a single substance, but rather it refers to a range of substances that are similar in chemistry and in effects. It is usually distributed as a tablet or pill but can also be a powder or capsule.

 4. Hallucinogens

Hallucinogens, are drugs that alter the state of consciousness of users and produce different kinds of hallucinations. That is, it is a type of drug that that makes users to see things that are not real.

 5. Heroine

Heroin is an addictive drug with pain-killing properties processed from morphine, a naturally occurring substance from the Asian opium poppy plant. Pure heroin is a white powder. However, street heroin is usually brownish white because it is diluted or "cut" with impurities.

 6. Metamphetamine


Methamphetamine belongs the group of drugs called amphetamine-type stimulants (ATS). It is a synthetic drug that is usually manufactured in illegal laboratories. Methamphetamine comes as a powder, tablet or as crystals that look like shards of glass.

  • Irregular or rapid heart rate (cocaine, marijuana, meth, PCP)
  • Heart failure (cocaine, meth)
  • Blood-borne diseases like hepatitis or HIV (injectable drugs)
  • High blood pressure (cocaine, meth, PCP)
  • Impotence or infertility (marijuana, meth, narcotic drugs)
  • Learning and memory problems (marijuana)
  • Lung damage (marijuana, PCP)
  • Psychosis (LSD, cocaine, meth)
  • Respiratory depression and coma (tranquilizers, narcotics)
  • Seizures (tranquilizers, cocaine, narcotics)
Finally, take a look at some careless havocs caused by drugs on our pregnant women :
  • Miscarriage Problems with the placenta
  • Premature delivery Low birth weight
  • Withdrawal symptoms in your newborn baby
Hard drugs are very dangerous to your health. In fact, we cannot list all the dangers involved in taking them. THEREFORE, STAY AWAY FROM DRUGS

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