
Friday, June 24, 2016


             The word 'success' produces a resounding echoe in the ears of many people. Afterall, that is what everyone of us desire whenever we lay our hands on one thing or other. Everybody want to be successful and that remains the ultimate thing we all pursue. We see people struggling and striving, with a lot of efforts to succeed in life. Some people can even go extra minds to sacrifice all they have in order to reach success.
The question therefore is : 'Do they really reach success?

Well the answer to the above question is a CAPITAL NO!
But why? Why do they fail despite all their efforts? This is a big question that we all need to ponder on.
After several observations, study and attempts, i finally discovered the major reason why people fail to become successful.
Would you like to know? Just scroll down and continue reading.
I discovered that "people fail in their attempts to become successful because they never recognised the true road to success, therefore, they follow other paths which to them seems to be the right way to become successful. They later end elsewhere.
Honestly speaking, many people fail in their bid to become successful because they never pursued the right paths. Those who become successful achieve this because they quickly recognise the road and simply follow.
Is it truly possible to become successful? If the answer is yes, how can we be successful? What measures can lead us to to the road to success? Hmmm.....
Success does not come by magic. It is something you must work for. It requires your efforts and thinking ability. To be precise, success does not come free. It is either it costs you your time, money or energy, or it costs you everything.
Once again, are you ready for success? Just follow the road below :
Interest is a vital aspect of success. You should develop interest in whatever way you choose to success. It is true that when you have interests in your pursuits, your difficulties are reduced
2.PLANNING : - To become successful, one thing you must do is to set your plans. No matter what you want to do, have a plan. Your plan serves as the blueprints of your success, therefore it is of great importance that anyone who wants to be successful in life have a plan.
Hard work is what it takes to achieve any set goal. You must be hard working and ensure that you stick to your ambitions.
4.TIME MANAGEMENT : Successful people are good time managers. Don't waste your time! Be up and doing. Always have a focus and spend your time concentrating on it.
Success is not achieved alone. You also need the contributions of others. If you are working in a team, you need to have a good spirit of team work. You must carry others along to achieve your goals.
As a determined person, you need to invest in any area you have chosen. Invest your money, invest your time, invest your Energy.
You need to pray frequently. Whatever religion you practice, place your trust in God and pray to him often. Wherever you go, always have it in your mind that 'prayer is the key to success'
that is the road to success. If you have any contribution, the COMMENT BOX is always available for you!

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